holiday in argentina


The Polo in Argentina is world renowned and it is the ideal place for both first timers and those looking to hone their game. The center of Argentine Polo is Buenos Aires & the Pampas though there are options throughout the country.

Ideal time

All year round

Where in Argentina

Salta & the Northwest | The Iguazú Waterfalls | The Iberá Wetlands | The Sierras of Cordóba | The Vineyards of Mendoza | Buenos Aires & the Pampas | The Patagonian Lake District


Polo in Buenos Aires

More in Polo in Argentina

Polo in Argentina
Playing Polo in Ancient Persia

‘The sport of Kings’ is one of the world’s oldest. In the ancient world polo was a popular passtime of the Persian elite. In Medieval times polo spread  to the Indian subcontinent and even as far as China.

Polo in Argentina
British Officers and Indian Sikhs

During the British occupation of India, British army officers picked up the sport and took it back in the UK where soon it became popular among the wealthy of the western world, rules were formalised and international cups were organised.

Polo in Argentina
A fast-paced game

Late 19th century British settlers first played the sport in Argentina where the strong horse culture soon forged the world’s greatest players and polo pony breeders. With the decline of horsepower in during the 20th century in many traditional ranching nations, Argentina remains the polo superpower today with the highest handicapped players in the world.

Whether watching or playing polo, remember that the teams change ends after each goal!

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